Lee Min Ho F4 showing perfect body in BOF

Goo Joon Pyo, the leader of F4 in the public drama BOF has the perfect body of their relative attention to the fans.

In the episode airing at 9 2.2, Goo Joon Pyo had the same father and brother Jandi (Goo Hye Sun) go sauna. In this scene, Lee Min Ho has shown a solid body and a perfect 8 points (ratio between head and height is 1:8) and white skin min.

After this episode aired, many fans were leaving a message of merit "Min Ho not only has a beautiful face but body is excellent," "name is not Tiger F4 captain." In addition, many spectators said the family lived Jun Pyo Jandi is one of the best scene is warm and far from the first movie.

All news about Lee MinHo/ Thong tin tu Starhaus Entertainment tren website chinh ngay 09.05.2010


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